Opportunity & Responsibility
In Matthew 25 the Lord Jesus told two parables, one about ten virgins who, according to eastern custom, were awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom in order for the wedding celebration to begin, and another about three servants who were each given a sum of money to look after while their master was gone.
In the first parable, the Lord Jesus highlighted the difference between the wise virgins, who were prepared for the bridegroom coming, and the foolish who were unprepared. They had brought lamps, but no oil to keep them burning, and when the bridegroom took longer to arrive than they expected, they had to go and buy more. While they were gone, the bridegroom came, and the wedding began without them – what a missed opportunity.
The second parable highlights the folly of Neglected Responsibility. Two of the servants faithfully used the money entrusted to them to make a profit for their master, but the third neglected his responsibility and hid what was given to him in a hole in the ground. When his master returned, the wicked servant tried to put the blame on him, saying that he had done nothing because he knew his master was a hard man and he was afraid. That couldn’t have been further from the truth – the master was obviously generous with his praise and rewards for good service.
The lessons are simple but very important. In spiritual things there are both Opportunity and Responsibility. The wise and faithful take both seriously. The foolish and worthless squander them.
God has given you a golden opportunity to repent and be saved from your sin: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
You also have a responsibility to serve God. He is a loving, caring master. How will you respond?
If you miss the opportunity and neglect the responsibility you will bear the consequences for all eternity.